Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Truth - Part Five

The following notes were taken at a Truth meeting given by Robert Light, healer and inspirational speaker.

We need to explore how things affect us, how to connect to other things and energies. We tend to be media driven, and the head can mislead, and the heart is full of emotions. The heart is the surface layer – go deeper. Underneath there is a pure heart, and we must get rid of the layers and scars that emotion has put on it.

The emotional heart is misleading – go to a deeper level – to instinct, intuition and knowing. Access things intuitively, then access them instinctively. Under that is, knowing. Your mind doesn’t know, because it has been affected by everything that has ever happened to it, and been bombarded by outside influences. Everything should come from within. We really do not need externals – they have become things we have come to rely on.

It is no good saying a prayer if you don’t follow it up with action – the most important part.

When a person dies they don’t always go to a place of higher learning. If people pass over with their own warped senses, fixed ideas and beliefs, they have to return again to learn that lesson and deal with it.
You can only learn in this life.
Yes, this is the only place that true change can take place, and lessons learned help many others trapped within the spirit realms to actually move on rather than keep reincarnating.

But the most important thing, is learning about your selves. Learning to accept yourself and all the qualities that made you what you are today.
How many of us have said ‘thank you’ for today?

The first lesson in your present life - and should be only life - is to learn to be you, and acceptance of the self is the lesson – then it is acceptance of all others and so on.

When your heartbeat goes faster, it is caused by fear, excitement, anticipation. It also may affect others. To stop it – put yourself in a bubble using mind energy. This is then sent from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. But the electromagnetic field, or disturbance, might not be limited by this conscious bubble, even if it has transferred to the subconscious mind - like a panic created by a fire for example. Panic spreads, and instinct for survival takes over. In this situation, breathe deeply, calm yourself down. Breathing slowly and deeply, calms down panic.

If someone else suggests a reason for your fear, eg; you perhaps don’t like going in lifts, and they might say that it is because you were buried alive in a coffin in a previous life – do not accept it unless you are sure in yourself. Ask yourself, ‘was that true?’ Know for yourself what is true. If ego enters into it, it can be detrimental to your spiritual path – you are only Mary, Jenny etc. When we give something importance, we lose our path.

You may want to own it – it tickles the ego, but it is detrimental to our spiritual development. Past lives exist, but the person needs to know what they are doing. It can delay or inhibit your progression.

There are energies in the elements – the wind and the rain, and the electro magnetic energy from the earth can come up and alter the interaction with your electromagnetic field. There can be radiation from fault lines, ley-lines, vortice’s [water crossing]. Radiation affects people. People can live on a bad energy line and it might not affect them until they have a drama in their lives. It will then weaken their resistance and immunity – these are homeostatic changes in their electromagnetic energy field.

If you shout at a child, a three year old will think that he is not loved.

It is a selfish act to grieve, yet it is what we all do because of a loss, yet life does go on, and we go on, yet your life still needs to be lived - because it is your life that is important.

There are more bodies and energies to you than you can see. There is your life force body, your astral body etc. If you can adjust your time pattern, there is a time when things can be more regenerative.
When you are in deep sleep, when only your eyes move, it is healing and regenerative. Between 1am and 3am is the best time for healing. When you awaken with a jolt from a deep sleep, that is when your astral body comes in, and misses the physical, and you wake up. It is the re-connection to the central nervous system which gives you the jolt on waking. During that time, you can go back into other times/lives – you float back. If you did something wrong in that life you will always be going back to sort it out. We may all have been at one of those points in which we keep going back – it exhausts us. The astral body goes off and the physical body is switched off and can heal. When the conscious mind is switched off, the doctors have only just started to realise that a person heals many times faster.

You have an ability you can use - meditation. Do it as a part of ordinary life, and into your conscious living. Meditation is restrictive. Try and expand your meditation so that it becomes a living meditation.
Think of your feet - then you immediately become aware of your feet – this is a change of consciousness.

Chakra’s and energy centres are better off left alone. Ignore them.
Your feet walk upon the earth and get rid of negativity and bring up wonderful earth energy. Walk on the sand on a beach – how much sand is on your feet? If there is a lot of sand stuck to your feet, or you leave deep footprints, you are carrying a burden. Cut them off - the problems/trauma/burdens. Leave no footprints.

There is no problem, here and now.

When you experience the worst trauma or loss, remember to say, ‘Thankyou, I can’t wait to see what good may come out of it.’ ‘Thank you, I want to move on.’ This stops the trauma from going on, following on, and releases you.

Try and see people who are low in spirit, or ill - in a happy healthy state - and it will help them. It makes a big difference to what energy you project. Be energy aware [ref; footprints]. At that moment, you are lighter because you are not worried about anything.

Everyone has the same abilities, and we all use them differently.

Only we are responsible for our busy mind. Take responsibility for it.

We should learn to accept everyone without any judgments, restrictions etc. You can determine the air you breathe, the quality of your cup of tea etc. [using the cho-ku-rei in Reiki] It is important that these electromagnetic energies communicate, and that you become aware of them.

Certain energies will have an effect on you.

We are not all compatible. If you find you don’t like someone for no apparent reason, ask yourself, if you were blindfolded, would you feel the same? Some of us are truthful and honest, others are deceitful and manipulative. If one brushes up against the latter, their energies can affect you with an adverse reaction. All differences can affect your body. Learn to realize where/how you feel it on your body, and learn to recognize this. You will not change them, and you are dis-empowered by them, only if you allow it to happen. We must not try and change anyone. Make no waves. Everyone is equal.

It is important for the individual to think about themselves.

Wisdom and knowledge is useless unless you use it.

A wise person never professes knowledge that they haven’t used.

Grounding is not a mental exercise, it is a whole body experience.
Can anyone see the light in anyone else? Some can see lights and colours around people.

We all know people who drain our energy. Some people love to have long conversations on the telephone, which drain you. People do it inadvertently. Those who understand energy, steal energy from people deliberately – they are breaking a law.

We have a spirit energy inside us – a life force. It assumes the actual counterpart of the person. This is totally indestructible – nothing can harm this spirit. Spirit, and the light that comes with it, is indomitable. The soul contains all the echoes of all the life experiences we have had. It is now coming to the time when we can actually connect with our own spirit and soul and then humanity will take a giant leap forwards in consciousness.

If you break a natural law, you lose part of your soul. If we control, manipulate or contrive, we pay a price. The ‘bacon slicer’ slices off parts of your soul. If you do good, you lose nothing from your soul.
There are children being born without souls who have no emotions at all. If they lost half their soul when they entered the loop, then when they come back, they only have a half soul or as little as 1/8th or less. They can grow the soul back when they meet people like us. They enter our aura, maybe as much as 100 miles around us. They may not like it, or feel threatened.

We have never been told the truth about ourselves, and we want to free the masses – but anarchy would result!

Don’t let another’s writing, or words, determine how we live.

Embrace everything!

Do we need to protect ourselves? Fear – is ‘False Expectation Appearing Real’. Everything is here to teach you something.

If someone hates you, embrace their anger or emotion, and watch them deflate. Hate cannot exist then. During some of my talks people get annoyed with me or what I am saying – and sometimes I can feel, sense or even see this – I then ask for this energy to be used for healing local hospitals etc, and sometimes the person is then able to see beyond their annoyance and grow spiritually during the talk.

Rather than protect yourself, ask for healing energy.

Energy in a place/building etc, may be balanced, then someone visits it, and their energy interacts with the existing energy and puts the place out of balance. Earth energies, and buildings energies can affect people too. Good energies can be affected by negative energies creeping in at different times.
If you have a problem or worry, see yourself as a tree and visualize it moving through each season, and as the autumn arrives and the leaves fall off, your worries fall away too.
People who are overloaded with worries who then go and help others - put other peoples problems before themselves and block their own progress. They have to learn to help themselves first.

Put a cho-ku-rei (Reiki) above your door to prevent negative energies coming into the house. We can do wonderful things, but we must take responsibility for them. If there is an argument – ask if they can be helped.

We are not at the mercy of life.

Change your consciousness by altering your breathing.

Time and space is instantaneous when you alter your consciousness.

Buddha, Jesus, Krishna etc, all walked the earth and were enlightened. Yet their simple message or teaching has been corrupted each time.
Soon it will be a time when all will speak again, and the truth will out and set at least some humans free at last.
A special person exists in many times and spaces. Elements of their learning were incomplete, even though they were enlightened.

When we are working with energy at a high level, anything is possible. We can get manifestations at any point.

Robert Light


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