Tuesday, 26 August 2008


The following notes were taken at a Truth meeting given by Robert Light, a healer and inspirational speaker


TRUTH -  Part 4


Robert teaches us freedom and self-empowerment.


If something is a truth, something reacts around us.  When we hear or feel something that resonates as a truth – humans do one of two things, they either reject it and deny,  run away from it – or they hold it tight and destroy it.

We usually use our thoughts destructively.  Most people think negatively rather than in a positive way, even those who do think positively – run negatives more than positive ones.


Our thoughts affect the universe.  The old adage as above so below – the micro and the macro are more relevant  now than at any other time in human history.


Robert is responsible for what he thinks, but not for all the universe -  minimal affects on any thing else.


It is not what happens that matters, it is how we react.   Every one suffers from action – reaction to it – then a lifetime's consequence or suffering.  A person chooses to react from conditioned responses.


As you accept yourself, using mind energy, you will learn to realize that the ups and downs of life don't last, they are just part of your journey and you can choose how high or low you go.  And as you accept them, they do not possess you to the degree that they once did.


Everyone has fears – then they become a pattern.  How do we feel in different places?  Fears of the known, or inherent fears. 


Babies have a fear of falling, since time began women had to stand to give birth.  If you have a dream of falling, it means you have a feeling of being out of control – fear.  Whilst dreaming you will have been somewhere on the astral level - your mind body goes off and does a thousand and one things when you are asleep – then suddenly wakes up in alarm.


Try to think differently.  Babies in the womb can detect the implied energy of someone saying that they don't want it.  They pick up every negative thought, and it can affect them long after it has been born. Babies do not know words but they do feel the affect of them from the mother's responses to things that happen a baby learns how fear or joy feels.


Our whole life history is on file.  When there is a reaction, it immediately plays that tune.  That is purely history.  We make our own universe.  Once we stop playing the records, all becomes clear again. We cannot change history, but we can wipe the slate of pre-programming clean.


Say, 'I accept myself as I am today.  I accept myself totally.  I accept the good and the bad.'  Experience, rather than learn. 


'I' becomes the 'we', and 'we' becomes the ONE.  I = ego and joins with the body to become the we and then the we becomes the whole, mind and body as one.


Face a fear every time. We all have fears and they grow each time we do not face them, yet when faced, they do diminish every time – this is a truth!


Learn to say 'No'.  One of the most important things to learn is to say no to someone – with things that you Truly do not want to do etc.


Often our lives get out of control.  Delegate – share jobs.  It is not necessarily good to be conscientious.  Indicative of today's world – busy busy busy – say yes to some time for yourself and you will benefit.


We do have inherent traits from our star signs, but you don't have to accept them, or live your life by them. You can change your star sign every day if you want to.


Rather than meditate by sending a prayer to the universe, say a prayer to yourself – that is to pay homage to yourself, and then your inner light shines out.


If you learn something today, 100 people attached to you also learn - like an illumination – amazing!


If you make an involuntary movement while listening to Robert, (or reading this information) it represents growth, or acceptance of something on an inner level.


We have just had the Summer Solstice, now we begin to harvest and store for the winter.  As the earth and the season's change, for seven days before the Solstice, seven days during, and for seven days after – three weeks of it – your body is also going through change.  Most people are out of season and also never in real time.  For an experiment for yourself – find a quiet spot and use your imagination and ask to see a tree that represents you – yes you – just let the picture grow in your minds eye, most people see a large tree in the middle of summer – yet the time of year may be autumn – use visualization to move the tree to the winter no leaves, peaceful and quiet – then move it to spring new buds etc – then mid summer then into autumn – you should feel a lot lighter and better.


Nurture yourself now, so that there is a bountiful harvest. 

The rhythm of the seasons are compatible with your body. 


Robert has ups and downs, but has soft curves to them rather than peaks and troughs.  Enjoy the low – but start thinking differently, or you will stay there.  Say, 'I embrace the black hole!' – and it immediately becomes light.

Embrace it, and it changes! 

Say, 'It used to be difficult, but from now on, with acceptance, it is very easy.'  It is SO simple!


If someone has an obsessive nature – they are not accepting themselves.  Drug addicts – it is their choice to live the life they do.

Say, 'Everyone I meet, I accept right now.'  Then any negative thoughts about you from other people, will not affect you.


Don't just accept what Robert or anyone says. Learn to feel how your body reacts to  words, this gives you your subconscious reactions to the words.


 Robert lives in a constant meditative state.  If we go within, and have doubt about ourselves, that is exactly what you will get back.  Step off from what is safe and secure. 

You have several mechanisms inside you, which will tell you what is right or wrong.

If a decision is made instantly, the whole world moves with you.


You will never really know your parents or your children – you only ever know yourself.


By stepping into the gap, the stillness, you are in an altered state.

90% of the time we are manipulated – media driven. 


Remember to pay homage to yourself, and then your light shines out.

Learn to say 'No!'.  Press the stop button and change it.  Share more.  When you say 'No', you discover who your friends are….!


How far do your energy fields go?  They can reach across the world, but normally are within our own space.  They make you turn to see someone who is trying to catch your attention, or you sense that someone doesn't want you to see them.  Your energy fields are infinite. 


Shape your aura into an arrow, to get through a crowd. Again just using imagination and visualization to put your aura out in front of you like an arrow- it deflects people from walking into you, very useful Xmas shopping!


Robert asked someone to move their energy field outside the room.  The person became pale, and their eyes began to water.  Robert said that sometimes you can get a metallic taste in the mouth.  You should never shift your energy field too much, or too far, or you will become comatose quickly.  With a planetary or earth shift, as many as fifty to a thousand people can 'conk out' – but they are not dead.  There are no medical tests to detect this, and some years ago, some coffins were dug up in the south of England, that had deep scratch marks on the inside of the lids….

The rate of spirituality around the world has increased in the last six months, and particularly since the Solstice.

All sentient beings are far more aware.


Someone said that they had a pain in their arm.  Robert said, 'focus on the pain, and it will recede.'  It did.  Give this one a try if you do have an ache or pain say in your arm, focus on it with your thoughts – it may well get worse but stick with it. The pain may move to another part of you, follow it and do the same again, you may get an image in your mind related to the pain and it should clear then.


Some people work too hard – they give 120%.  It would be better for them to pack the job in, and change their lifestyle.


People develop illnesses because they are not listening to their bodies.


If a doctor tells a person they have high blood pressure, they believe him.  But people can control their own blood pressure - by thought.

Robert said that he could change the pulse in his thigh, to his little toe, to his big toe – make it go slower or faster.


You can do something - just by thinking it.


The thymus is a very important point for our inner ecology. 


Do we heal when we are healing?  We are opening people's minds to healing themselves.  Ask, 'Can I do this healing on my own for this person.' Ask for the energy from inside yourself, rather than from outside.

We all have a curing mechanism – say, 'I am well.' We all have the ability to heal ourselves – every person who is able, touch the part that hurts – keep your hand on the area a little longer and ask for healing energy to flow through your hands. Robert sometimes thinks of a cooker control 0 to 10 and increases the number in his mind until it gets very warm, and in most cases it works.


Reiki is about the mental, physical, and emotional body.  You are healing yourself at the same time.  All healing is self-healing.  Always think of healing the whole person, not the frozen shoulder, bad knee etc.

Say, 'I am going to use the light within me.'  Because it is uncontaminated.

The magnetic field of your healing, directed from you to them, will deplete you, and only last a short time.  Rather just float into it, don't concentrate, and work from inside you.

Robert thinks of that 'gas cooker dial' to increase the energy intensity when he is giving healing.  If we use this gas regulator, and turn it up, watch the persons skin colour and the pulse of the artery in their neck.  Synchronize your breathing with the patient. This helps with diabetes, epilepsy, heart problems, high blood pressure, clots and strokes.


Think about your pulse rate in your thighs, on the right side, by your liver.  Think about that area and see what happens.  Then from your head down to your Adams apple, and down the sternum, and on down. 

Energy has a numerical value, pattern and vibration. 

Healing has a pattern also. 


It is all up to you what you want for yourself.  But we can't have things that impinge on other people.  Do things as and when you can.

We can defeat ageism by becoming aware of ourselves.


Leonardo de Vinci could sit and stare into space, and see into the future, and do a lot of drawings from what he saw.  All this information drifts around the universe, and then suddenly someone goes 'Oh yes!', and the idea is born.


Robert agreed that the openness of the media, encourages people who are borderline cases to experiment, and perhaps get hooked on a particular life, rather than staying as they were yesterday.


Robert wants to de-complicate our learning.  We must find a way to tune into ourselves and get rid of clutter.  Action, reaction and consequence.

Accept your home and the people in it – whatever the problem.


Experiment.  Put a blindfold on before you get dressed tomorrow, and you will get out something from your cupboard to wear that is right for that day. 


We all have light within us, and also darkness.  Embrace both - be balanced.

Every morning, put your roots down, and send out light from your physical body into your energy fields, and to all your chakra's.  Robert looks at the body as 50% light, 50% dark - but the bit in the middle is the bit he is interested in.  He brings light and dark, good and bad into the gap in the middle, and then sees it become a double helix.  Mind energy has no limits.

Use the whole body when grounding.  Say, 'I want to ground my whole being.'  Take it down into the earth, and bring it up through your body like a waterfall. 


Self-learning – Robert provides us with the keys.  It takes someone four years for each stage of development.  After twelve years it clicks!  Time in this field is irrelevant.  You can have it in an instant, because Robert is only saying what we already know.  We should all be able to live for a 150 years with full faculties!


Sometimes a partner or parent can be detrimental to one.  It is your viewpoint in life that matters.  Our viewpoint has been manipulated. 


Be true to thyself.


Roberts website  www.moonstones-therapies.co.uk

Links; http://truthteachings.blogspot.com/





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