The Truth Teachings are about you not looking anywhere else for your answers
but within yourself.
An Introduction by Robert Light
Well hello again and its time for the next blog we have had some replies which I am very grateful for, as it shows that there are some people out there who actually care and are trying to help and do things to release us from the limitations that we impose upon ourselves,
Every thing you believe is some one else's truth!
Original thought is a rare thing but not unattainable again stop, and learn to be just let your mind chatter away - it will soon get fed up and leave you in peace. The mind - your mind, in this day and age has absolute control.
The new age started with mind body and spirit and spirit is a pure energy that we have no control over what so ever it joins with the soul on conception to bring forth the new life, it comes pure and clean and is unsullied by any thing the person does, and it leaves as clean as it came. The soul on the other hand is sullied by all that the person does, it is like a computer hard drive, full of virus's etc and cannot function properly. Its task is to become as clean as the spirit the light and the dark together side by side in harmony and balance. It is an easy enough task if the person can truly live in their flowing moments, because in total reality that is the only time that exists! Souls are very much tied to the mind and its endless playing on the person's past and the emotional reactions, which is projected constantly into their future - what a waste of energy.
Going to happen
What has happened cannot be changed, it is history, but people can change how they react to their past, which in turn stops it projecting into their future's.
Happening, is the only one that is true, and is the only reality that is important as it is the point of personal power, change, and enlightenment.
Going to happen, future projections from past events and controlled reactive playbacks, yes, you can plan a holiday and book it and it will be fine, but what does your mind say?
Airport delays, lost baggage, bomb alerts, too hot, and so on.
Life is about living, not thinking of living, step into the moments and just enjoy yourself.
Back to the blog replies;
When we are One we are the creator. Yes we are part of something yet not yet part of ourselves. And always the Creator.
It's not what happens but how you are Programmed to react and then suffer a life times consequences.
Action Reaction Consequence what ever we do or think will have an effect on something else or someone else; nearly everyone suffers the above Action (event) your programmed reactions to it, and then living your whole life with the consequences yet if in your moment - life is wonderful.
Our Earth is its own Master, the season's roll on regardless of what humans do, nature too is its own boss, yet they all exist within one another; humans are just a species that have evolved differently and think they are superior to any thing else, but happily are NOT.
God what or who is God? (James C) - more please.
Love, what is Love or how do we use what we now call love, we live in an age of duality where if you have Love then you also have Hate, you cannot have one without the other, same as day and night - everything for us has become a duality.
People are taught to be good to do right things, behave and so on, and end up crucifying themselves trying to do all the right things, whilst ignoring their true selves; each and every person is fifty % good and Fifty % bad - its basic human nature; if some one insults you do you get angry inside? Or do you do the right thing and ignore the insult? Do you not know yourself? Or does that person know you better? It is simply knowing your self the old sticks and stones rubbish that used to hurt you as a child or does it still hurt?
It's all about giving power away to others because there is doubt in your self, learn to trust and know yourself then the other person would not even say anything.
Blog Reply 2;
Chasing tails etc
Nature our teacher
Life is your only teacher
Learning to stop and listen some times on some of my talks or visits to other places with a group of people and they want to learn to meditate, I take them to a busy shopping center on a Saturday and say this is the place to mediate you should see their responses yet it is a good place to start. I am lucky I live by the sea and most mornings I walk there with my dog (and doggy Bags!) and can sit on a rock and watch the sun rise and the moon sink into slumber, and practice my meditation which is a living conscious one, not a mind one!
Life is a series of lessons all leading to self-enlightenment and oneness, and you are your own teacher. First lesson is to learn to be you, self-acceptance on all levels of yourself,
1. How you look body shape face etc
Remember these are only my thoughts and words, yours are far more important than mine!
Many thanks
The following notes were taken at a Truth meeting given by Robert Light, a healer and inspirational speaker, in October 2003.
What follows are the parts of the talk that are important but may not seem in sequence or context etc, during the talks there are many more little interactions for people and verbal responses, that simply cannot all be put down into writing, how the people felt during the talk etc.
When someone who has a terminal illness comes to you for healing, if you feel sadness for them, the healing transmitted is not as good as good as it should be, because of how your thoughts are. You can have a good intent, but have a detrimental effect from it.
The only thing you need to own is yourself not a piece of land, or a house - home is within.
The Dali Lama wherever he is, is his home. He doesn't have to have Tibet. There is a Spiritual center within each of us!
Have an awareness of yourself.
Every thought you have, you will have a negative thought with it.
R is trying to get people to believe in themselves.
We come into this world and move through it in linear time, and the weight we carry is determined by a person's mental attitude to life.
We all carry baggage. Right at this moment, there is no problem.
Get in touch with the stillness inside you. You can be in a busy town centre, and yet be able to be still and silent inside.
When you stop for a moment in stillness, the world also stops for that moment, but when you think of home the triggers start!
The human mind is good at creating fear. You can put psychic protection around you, but it will not protect you from your own fear inside. The human mind is really, really, good at manifesting fear.
There is NOTHING to fear. It is only your own thoughts that sustain Fear. Fear = False Expectation Appearing Real
Are you aware that you are creating your own futures? If you think, 'I only have to be good all my life, and I will be rewarded' that is not the case.
Be honest and truthful to yourselves.
We impinge our will and thoughts on everyone we meet.
Disliking something in someone, is bad for you.
When you meet people, try not to make a judgement on a visual level, but sense them on a feeling level.
Our auras can meet, long before a person comes close, or begins the interaction.
Your best friend is inside you your inner Being.
Robert is trying to connect us to ourselves, then we will be much happier.
Getting you connected to yourselves will enable you to live life more happily, peacefully, have more energy, become younger etc.
This is his aim.
There is no such thing as a problem only a decision.
Nothing can harm you when you are in your stillness, in your being.
R then gave an example of when he was involved in a multiple car crash with his daughter, and they came out of it without a scratch, because he had been in his stillness. His car was completely mangled.
These energies that we can learn to be aware of, will empower us. You can ask for energies to change things ask to remove any negative energies or traumas from an area. For example;
If you know of a local black spot, or as you travel along a road, say, 'Can this road be made safe for everyone who uses this road?'. This is working on an energy level. Change will happen. You may discover that later, the council puts in camera signs, or 'sleeping policeman', or similar changes occur. The world of energy is timeless.
Ask for a green light, or a parking place. It will work - if you do not doubt. The more specific you can be, the better.
In some ways we are taking control.
The body is the energy interacter you feel everything first in your body.
When you repeat an affirmation, it goes deep inside you, into your being.
We all have pre-cognisance. [knowledge]
There is a wonderful friend within you if only you would listen - but we don't have the time to listen.
R said, 'We are the whole of something we are not apart. We are IT!'
If you can do this for an instant, the love and harmony you create for yourself is huge, and you are connected to everything around you.
Air. How much contamination do we give to each other? Determine the air we breathe. Ask that every breath we take is pure uncontaminated air.
Some people over care. They think they are helping, but in fact are hindering, and the person they are helping is not learning..
To become spiritual is not for half a day, or one day - it is always. You can't turn it off, but it is different if you are being pulled in, controlled etc. Then it does detract physically and mentally from your being.
Negative energy, loves positive energy..
The purpose of these talks is to Be in.
Is there any logic to the flutterings of the butterfly?
They live entirely in the moment. You become peaceful when you watch one, you become mesmerised, and find yourself. It awakens stillness within you and shifts your consciousness. Take some time out and watch a dust mote in the air it changes you.
We are made up of unconditional love of the self, non-critical, non- judgemental of self. We are perfect as we are. Only human beings see imperfection in other people and themselves
The best school of learning, is experience. You are in the best school of your life but you don't realise it. Let life teach you.
The eternal flame everyone has one inside. If you think of it as spirit inside, it is limiting. R asked us all to close our eyes. He then left his energy field in front of him, his eternal flame, and then walked to the back of the room. He then asked people to open their eyes, and say what they felt. Some realised what he had done, others felt he hadn't moved, and others had felt him to be in more than one place. R said that he had been manipulating time and space being more metaphysical. For a moment he had moved into that space, just a little bit. He encapsulated time and space. The energy he created, was waves and waves of being, and energy. R was remaining himself, as a teacher and also into Being, 'Don't look at me look beyond me you were looking at yourselves, perhaps for the first time.'
R picked a book from the shelf and gave it to Jim, and asked him how he felt about it. He didn't like it and gave it back to Robert but then he spoke differently saying, 'It was a good book, but parts of it were not good.'
R said that at that moment he had been speaking from his Being.
Stillness does not have any form you can only experience.
Stillness is energy.
Books have vibrations that we all inherently feel. After reading a book all see the story differently.
We need to sing our own song in the universe in the NOW.
We are at a huge stage of human evolution. People will not change with out of date books, or old baggage. They are not of any use because everything is changing, and we are all changing..
A Golden Rule we are not allowed to change anyone else with our thoughts and deeds.
For more information, Roberts website is to be found at
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