Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Truth - Part Three

Truth Part Three

Time for New Thinking, Time for a New World!

The Truth Teachings are about looking for your answers

within yourself.

The following notes were taken at a Truth meeting in 2003 given by Robert Light, a healer and inspirational speaker.

Spiritual Pathways.

Spiritual energy within you, is the unencumbered, essential part of you.

It is pure, and is not coloured by day to day living.

It is the place within, that welcomes you – an essential place.

We are all on a journey that is ordained.

Not many people go on that journey.

Some can sense spiritual energy around mountains or with nature, in sacred places etc.

To be spiritual is to be human. Embody it, because most people think it is in the head.

The mind does the chattering, the body holds it, or reacts to it.

Embody spirit! Embrace it! Live it! It is within us, within our aura.

Being spiritual is not being egotistical, it will drive ego off. Be humble.

The more interactive we can be, sharing with others around us, the easier, bigger and smoother the path will be. We start to glide and float.

You are embracing all that you are going to be, Now. Living, in the Now.

Yesterday, are just thoughts blowing in the wind, but we tend to hang on to them.

Don’t plan for a tomorrow – the future is Now. The past, is Now.

We are all teachers. We are all inter-connected, and some are dis-connected.

We all learn from one another. When we are spiritual, we embrace everything.

We do it by example – in how we live.

Good and bad – embrace it all, because we learn from it and it ceases to be a problem when you accept it.

In the spiritual, you are being fed and watered all the time.

Negative thinking makes the body heavier.

Smile, embrace, and say Thankyou!’ for all that you get, then let it go.

Thank and bless your food every day – and the air you breathe. Eg; If there are diesel fumes from a lorry in front of you, say ‘thankyou’, and then ask if you can have fresh air.

We all have free will. The road that stands before us, to a spiritual person, is always empty. We walk it alone. It doesn’t mean you have to live alone. Don’t put conditions on. We are all soul mates. Let people appear in your life naturally.

Affirmations; They are good for getting us out of a rut. In a way, they are brain washing. But for a person who is stuck, it is the beginning of a way out. We learn by repetition.

An affirmation could enhance our thinking about today and tomorrow.

ie; Say, ‘ Everyday in every way, I get better and better.’ – or, ‘This is a wonderful day, lots of good things are coming my way!’ Say Thankyou!!’.

When we are truly spiritual, we can embrace everything, problems and all – there are no barriers.

We learn from the good and the bad. Say ‘Thankyou’ for all of it!

When someone gives you a problem, say ‘Thankyou!’ – this is acceptance – the problem will then go away, for you, and the person who is giving you the problem. All will then feel better.

Whatever happens in life – say, ‘Thankyou!’

Say ‘Thankyou!’ all the time – a million times a day if need be!

‘Thankyou’ is neutral energy. Stop the crucifying of self – just say ‘Thankyou!’

R said that everybody in the room has been crucified all their lives.

Each and everyone of you, creates your future for yourselves. If you live in the past, or live your parents lives, you create problems for yourselves. Energy given to what we think, guarantees that we get what we think.

We create our whole reality at all times.

We should learn to eat what nature provides in the environment, and eat seasonally. This means that summer eating is lighter, ie; salads, fresh seasonal fruits etc. Winter eating is heavier, as in root vegetables. The body can then go into hibernation.

In olden days, without much light in the winter, people would retire when the sun went down, and arise when the sun came up. The lighter foods in summer would give them energy to sow and reap the harvest, in order to survive the winter months. Resting more in winter, mean’t that not much food was needed, and the body had natural rest. Weight was kept on an even keel. The heavier foods in the winter would cause a little weight increase, which would be lost with the extra work in the summer months.

One thing with human beings, they will not take responsibility for themselves. They don’t listen to their bodies. Listen to your body as to what you should eat.

Have a one, three, or five day fast. Drink lots of water.

Pay homage to your bodies needs.

In the material world there is a pecking order – man’s order. See where you fit in, in regard to who is around you. Create a space for yourself.

In nature, there is a pecking order – who preys on who.

A lot of us have a bad part of us, vindictive, spiteful etc. You will be challenged at that level in your life. Everyone of us can be extremely nasty in certain circumstances – for example, when you are cornered.

Don’t hide this part of you – acknowledge it.

What is meant by ‘Spiritual’?

The spiritual side of life is the unseen side of life on earth. Who I really am.

The breath of God – the eternal, within.

The ‘spiritual journey,’ is trying to be the true being, ie; a peaceful being.

Experiencing also the sun, moon, the stars, and the universe within - then to share the learned experiences.

We have a spiritual side which can be felt when we connect with nature. It can be cultivated to encompass more of our physical life.

You cannot separate the mind, body, spirit and soul – all of it comes as a complete package. It is a knowing of where you come from, and where you are going to.

Embody the spiritual side of the self, embrace and accept all of the self.

Connect with all things – know that you are connected to all things.

We were asked how we would feel if we were blind. The other senses would be more aware. 99% of information comes in through the eyes.

We are here to Be, that’s all. To create an empty vessel to fill.

Aim for total syncronicity.

Be yourself, that’s all you need to do.

To Be, to truly Be, transcends time, worry and stress.

To Be, means that you are always in the Now, and people feel good in your presence.

Ask to see the light in all those you meet – and you will.

Never let anyone tell you what to do.

Walk the spiritual pathway – all will benefit – the past, present and the future.

The moment we step on our spiritual paths, all those connected to us, move up their pathways. The more interactive we are, the bigger the path.

The only time that exists is Now.

The teaching is all around. The teacher is yourself.

We are all connected and dis-connected at the same time.

Do what you have to do, when you think of it – don’t put it off.

Healing happens when it occurs to you – then you need to go and do it. It makes you lighter and brighter on your pathway.

When Jesus walked into villages – all were uplifted. It is the same with us.

When you are whole, your presence will be whole, and all will be uplifted.

Read ‘The Healing Spirit’ by Dennis Barrett.

You can never block a proper healer.

You need never experience anything bad if you think spiritually.

How you value yourself, is how others value you.

We are the gods! The energy of the whole world is within us!

We have life, to get to know ourselves. We have supreme powers.

In heaven, as on earth.

Look at all the good around you, all the time.

Look at all your goodness, all the time. Let everything stay instant.

Past experiences – let them remain in the past.

How you think about yourself, is what you will draw to you. Let the pain in the heart go.

Think as a whole person, that is what you are, at all times.

The spirit world is a world of imagination.

Let all parts of mind, body and spirit work together – these are your teachers.

God is a man-made concept, and is whatever you want him to be.

God = creative energy.

Creative energy did not necessarily create us. From One energy we are created. We split this energy and change it, when we think – hence, you are what you think.

We were created by the energy of creation.

The energy of creation is always whole, complete and unchanging.

The energy of creation never diminishes or changes – we change – it, never changes.

The world we are in is fully automatic. When you step onto the pathway you are alone. As the effects of conditioning decrease, you become lighter and lighter.

Pass on your learning – use what you learn – for the good of all.

Share by deed and action.

Have zero power, zero healing. Neither give, nor take.

Don’t empower anyone else – ie; don’t feed their ego. Crystals and people are the same. A crystal only has the power you give it.

The energy of creation is absolute and whole.

When you step on your pathway you are on your own. You have to step forward first, and then the whole of that energy follows you.

Use this energy in a positive way for yourself.

When you think negatively, it creates shock waves that go all around the world.

When happy and vibrant, you create highs that then come down later, and start an up/down reaction. Best to try and stay in the middle, and keep things in balance.

Like attracts like. What you give out, is what you get back.

Self empower. Healing soul, and spirit.

All of ourselves, is under our control at all times. Say; I am, what I am.’

When there are disasters, acknowledge them, and move on.

The ‘New Age’ is now – nothing is ‘New’.

Imagination and creation is the ‘Now.’

By being yourself, you free the soul.

Make no exceptions about who you help.

Change what you think, and you will change your world.

Have acceptance of self, now. Every day is a new clean day. Say; ‘Thankyou!’

You can only ever change yourself.

Take total responsibility for all of yourself.

The energy of creation, plus the materials from Mother Earth creates us. One is eternal, one is created and dies, and then becomes the substance of another

Let life be your teacher, and you will never go wrong.

Our own intuition is there to guide us – listen to it.

What we learn should be passed on. A natural law – to share.

Follow the teaching - not the teacher.
