Thursday, 24 January 2008


What is True?  or is every thing someone else's Truth?

All of us without exception do two things when we are confronted with a truth, we become aggressive or turn away from it.

Another thing we all do with other situations, as well as with the Truth, is either reject them instantly or crush them - both kill off the very thing that you have found.

What happens to you when you read the following –

'You are beautiful'

It is only a set of words but as you read them some thing responds, firstly on a mental level – then on a physical level, action – reaction, and then a consequence that we live with all our lives.

Thinking has become paramount in today's busy world, we have forgotten how to feel, the body is at the mercy of the mind -  and how fast the mind is now going!

I run some talks in a place in the Wye valley with breath taking views and every one who comes there stops to look at the view – they take a moment of just being – then they think what a wonderful place to live, I could be happy here – yet they would not after a while, they would miss the world that they live in, it takes a special type of person to live in a place like this.

Lets go back to the words and read them again, but try and feel what or how your body responds – for some it may become heavier or lighter, may tilt or lean slightly, clarity of vision changes, may even feel cooler or warmer – the important thing - it is your body's response to the words this time.

Your body is actually wiser than your mind - a truth

Every one of you will go somewhere to a house, a shop etc and for some reason you begin to feel uncomfortable – nothing to do with thinking – your body knows its not good for you there and is speaking to you via feelings and sensations, and it has always done this!

How are your Feet? Do you know? Did you have to look at them to SEE how they feel? Most people have become so disconnected to themselves and just live in the mind whirlpool of thoughts and feelings, never stopping to listen to their most valuable source of right and wrong,

Working out etc. Does your body really want to pound away on machines? Or would it prefer a walk or even a rest, we drag our bodies around wherever the mind takes it, and mostly this is Media Driven

The body responds to your own individual truth not mine or anyone else's



The following notes were taken at one of the first Truth meetings given by Robert Light, a healer and inspirational speaker, in 2001 and continue to the present day.





Love is an energy that can destroy as well as build.   If you are thinking (in your mind )--- you are not loving.  We make love conditional. 

Love should never hurt, but we have made it into something else.  God can't do his job unless we love ourselves.

If we belong to a sect, or religion, we are taught that, 'this is the 'right' way'.  Each of us has our own truths, and although beliefs are shared, we all have our individual interpretation.  We are part of                     something bigger or greater. 

Healing, or anything that you are concerned about, is like throwing a pebble in the pond and the ripples go out.  But if it is a problem, then it muddies the pond and negative ripples go out. E.g. worries/concerns.  Live in the NOW, do not worry about tomorrow. 

The worrying, blocks the path to the truth. 

Put worries on a bit of paper, anything that can't be dealt with, now, cross them all out.

We make muddy pools.  A problem, equals a decision.  Living indecisively.  If you are indecisive, you are in torment.

Do not deny anger, but do not dwell on it.  Get it over and give thanks -  because the universe may have arranged it for a reason.

Be in an unthinking state.  Take away extremes, access peace. 

Most things that happen to us are trying to say WAKE UP!  Do not deny it – and say "thank you." 

Our perceptions of another, lead to wanting to change another.  When we first meet someone, we love them as they are, then find things wrong -   unconditional then becomes conditional.

Thank our parents for making us what we are today. 

We all have baggage.  Do not be indecisive.  You cannot love yourself until you like yourself.

Do not worry about being late.  Be in the right frame and stillness, and it will always be the right time.

Everything you want is totally accessible. 

Your potential is totally limitless. 

[Reference noise, i.e. computers, radios, c.d's. etc.]  These are shields for the young, a cocoon of security.  They feel unprotected without them.  We are judging them.  We cannot change where we are 'at', i.e. science,  technology etc. 

Create your own space.  Then share it. 

We should only take responsibility for ourselves. 

We are connected to something bigger – not only a religion, or group, but a sea of consciousness energy.

Step out of the problem.  Fear of the bully – that causes the problem.  Always be exactly who you are. 

You cannot change something, but can change the acceptance of that fact.  We put on masks.  We create who we would like to be.

Accept what you are today.

We are not in touch with Universal laws.

This is the only place where you can change -  in the NOW.

Bring back the energy to here – this moment.  This creates peace. 

People band together for strength and unity.  Encouraging individual thinking creates acceptance, without conditions.  Robert helps people to be empowered.

Robert prefers to wipe off karmic debt, and concentrate on TODAY.  This is where you can make change. " So if you are healing and see a link to a past life or problem, wipe it out otherwise people make it a reason for the problem and wallow in it." 

Healers sometimes lose the plot by thinking they are important, rather than teaching others to heal themselves.  Heal yourself, and/or ask for help as well.

Rather than feed people, teach them to feed themselves. 

If we clear our own muddy pools, you can see the reflections of above as well as below.  You will see reality.

Jesus said,  'All these things you can do and greater'.

Do not let anyone change your belief system.  It is unique to you.

You can only ever be yourself. 

Active words can change energy.  Notice a difference in energy.  If energy goes sour - to change the atmosphere perhaps say "Shall we have a cup of tea!"

We do not trust ourselves. 

Ask "Can I bring my subconscious in to my conscious-ness  mind?"  When we do this, we become as ONE. Do not be frightened of it, it is your best friend.  Say to yourself, 'Divine energy linked to my conscious-ness mind will help me.'

If you send a person (a healing or kind thoughts) the opposite of what they are or of what they are feeling at that time, you will push then away. 

Ref:  Helping countries in turmoil.

In a war torn country, do not force peace on them by asking for peace.  Say 'If there is a God please help those people in that country.'

If you ask "Can I connect with my divine source?  Can I become part of my divine source?  Can I have healing from this divine source?"  You will get it.  That source knows better than we do what is needed. 

Love is a spontaneous thing. 

When we think negatively, we create and attract negative energy.  Nature is whole and complete.  Always say thank you to nature.       

 By 'clearing' we make a big difference.  (explanation later)

The sun is becoming larger, closer. 

The moon in eclipse recently caused lots of disturbance.  Other light workers are helping to bring things back into balance.  The ozone layer has got smaller.  We are clearing the hubris of souls/spirits, - not just in our world, but in parallel worlds.  Meditate to see it. 

For e.g. Michaelangelo, when he drew a futuristic submarine and an aeroplane – his consciousness drifted from his time, into our time.  We are never in our present moment – that is the problem.

Guru's in India train themselves to not feel the cold, and can live in high mountains with no visible support.    They change the molecular structure of the body.  

Acknowledge the divine part of you. 

[Ref: divine intervention].  Everybody is given at least three warnings.  If you follow your little voice in the stillness, you will be aware of divine intervention.

We are resistant to change, and letting go.  

What you resist, resists. 

In change----- trust yourself.

You cannot change what has happened, but you can change the emotion of it.   Every time we release emotions, it gives us a high – adrenalin gives a high, for example – firemen rushing to a fire.  Marriages do not last very long when needing adrenalin.

Put love and hate together – this equals peace.

[Ref: suicide]  If someone threatens it, tell them to get on with it.  This causes anger – and makes them wake up to reality. 

Our limits are all self imposed.                                     

People who live under power lines…. Ask for your Divine Source to remove all harmful effects from the house and people being affected by it. You are helping by doing something, instead of being depressed about it.  Act upon the truth within you. 

Do not travel against the wind, or say to the wind 'Blow the other way'.

Take away resistances in your life for the flow to be easier. 

Take responsibility for your life.  Do not be like sheep. 

What you need to hear you will hear.  

Say "I am the Divine Spirit"  - then you expand.

Think for five minutes. This is conversing with your own subconscious – your Divine Spark.


J & M.                                       ~~~~~~~


A useful book to read;  'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle.